its a REAlLY time for me to mOVe on....
hELlO ..... 22 YEArS OLd OLreaDY........
REAlLY DeservE BETTER THan THis....
>>i feel X SHaT La TODAy
PAnas BADAn + baTUK + selESEMA +
= selESEMA baBI=
=> Dont waNT Dont waNT!!!!!!>
BOSan plak terasA ARINI
2moro (28.04) trip with DeaF CHilDren....(-EX- my sTUDENT AT Sk(2) sULTAN ALAM ShAH..) we r gOING to GENTING hIGhLaND > CITy of entertaINMENT>.... HAKHaK..... to aLl My folLowers aND mY CLaSSMAte.... JGAn jelEs baH.. nnt i crikAn souveNER kaT Korang K .. hEHehE..... c YA!!!
END of test...
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on Monday, April 27, 2009
at Monday, April 27, 2009
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